OFA Level 2 FAQ’s

The following is a list of frequently asked questions for candidates enquiring about occupational first aid (OFA) level 2 courses.

1.How long is the OFA level 2 course?

Occupational first aid level 2 is a 36 hour course in which 100% mandatory attendance is required.

2. Do I get a first aid book in this course?

Yes, your receive a first aid manual to help you understand the material.

3. What happens if I do not incomplete the course?

Candidates that incomplete the course must re-take the course.

4. How much does the course cost?

The course costs anywhere from 500 to 650 dollars in British Columbia

5. Where can I take a OFA level 2 course?

You can check course locations by checking out Worksafe BC or visiting one of the highlighted links throughout the page.

6. Can I re-certify my OFA level 2 certificate?

No, candidates may not recertify the award. Candidates must re-take the course to renew the award.

7. What should I wear to a OFA level 2 course?

Wear comfortable clothing. You will be moving around and working from your knees.